Wednesday 10 August 2011

Too knackered to budge

Harmonious Tarot, Crane & Fitzpatrick 2005
I'm so tired today, too knackered to budge, so I thought I'd show you a card from one of the sweetest little decks around -- the Harmonious Tarot, by Ernest Fitzpatrick, based on art by Walter Crane, published by Lo Scarabeo, 2005.

Like so many Lo Scarabeo decks, this one comes with white borders with the number at the top, title in 6 languages in the four corners. I detest that particular Lo Scarabeo style, and it puts me off so many of their decks. But I found myself going back and looking at this sweet deck over and over, and I finally bought it, whacked the borders off completely, and used a black sharpie to write the numbers on the tops of the cards in that handy little oval that seems purpose made for the job. IIf I had it to do over, I would use a brown sharpie, and probably sit at a table and take more time rather than doing it curled up in my chair with my feet tucked up under me.) It turned the deck from something that looked awkward and mawkish to a delicate little thing that looks as if it slipped from an Edwardian lady's handbag. I love it. The 4 of Swords card that I've chosen to represent my afternoon has the traditional meaning of a period of rest, but here we see it interpreted as three little flower maidens lounging in exhaustion after what must have been a blazing hot summer day. The long day is done, the cool of night approaches, and all they've got left in them is to sprawl out and say good-bye to the evening sun. There's a clear feeling of, 'Whew...sooo glad that's over. Let's stretch out and then curl up for a nice long nap!' That's how I feel about today. It's been a long one.

Here are few more cards...The Sun, The Fool, and Strength. I didn't get them straight on the scanner, but I told you I was knackered! I hope they will give you an  idea of the style of the deck and how the borders look with the white outer edges trimmed off. I love it. It's just so sweet.

 (Did I mention that I think it's sweet? ;) )


  1. It IS very pretty all trimmed like that!

  2. Your handiwork tempts me to get the trimmer out, for lots of my LS decks. However, that will have to wait til after my essay is done at least. This Harmonious Tarot is very pretty, romantic and whimsical :)


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