Thursday 29 March 2012

Sha la la la, that ain't no crime: More Rocky Horror

Rocky Horror Spread, Vanessa Tarot 

I tried out the Rocky Horror Spread on myself for a general reading with the Vanessa Tarot and got:

1) Science Fiction Double Feature -- What from the past influences me?  9 of Wands
2) Dammit Janet -- What am I passionate about now? King of Cups
3) Over at the Frankenstein Place -- What has recently emerged that may help? 6 of Swords
4) Sweet Transvestite -- Who am I really? The Chariot
5) I Can Make You a Man -- What is my greatest strength/skill? 4 of Wands
6) Sword of Damocles -- What do I fear? Ace of Cups
7) Rose Tint My World -- What is my greatest desire? The Star
8) I'm Going Home -- What outcome would be most satisfying to me? 8 of Coins

It seems that domineering, strong-willed, (dare I say it) 'bitchy' girls and women (9 of Wands) have played an important role in my life in the past. The feeling of being dominated or judged, or in some way having to defend myself from them, has been a common theme. It's certainly affected how I view myself and my life experience. 

I'm seeing King of Cups not as his usual meaning in tarot, but as the image on the card suggests. The figure in the card is dressed as barefoot beatnik, complete with beret and striped shirt. To me, she represents a counterculture or alternative lifestyle, and I am certainly passionate now about pursuing my esoteric interests, all of which are a great departure from my upbringing. 

I've recently decided to 'move on' from something that has been bothering me for a long time, so I can definitely see why 6 of Swords has turned up as something that has recently emerged. It will certainly be helpful to do that, but can be harmful if I am not very careful. Can't say more about it than that in this setting. 

I love this Chariot card, the woman looks so free-spirited. She knows where she's going, or at least the general direction. The sign she's following doesn't offer much in the way of detail, but she knows that's the way she's meant to be heading--it's definite. The details will work themselves out. That's also definite. So on she speeds. That's who I really am. Someone who heads in the direction she feels is the right one, even if she's not sure what's going to be there when she arrives. 

My greatest skill is in enjoying the stability of the hearth and home (4 of Wands), in revelling in the basic comforts of the flesh. This is definitely true of me, I do love being a homebody, and enjoy few things more than a leisurely day at home doing precisely what I want and nothing else. :)

Okay, I admit I have trouble with new social situations, so a fear for me certainly might be starting new relationships (Ace of Cups). That one's complicated. I have no trouble talking to strangers, I have worked as a teacher and in customer service, and of course as a tarot card reader. But on a personal level...that's a different story. 

The Star represents a type of enlightenment that I do aspire to. It is ruled by Aquarius, which is my sign. It offers a kind of peace and hope...but that peace and hope are off in the distance. So this card has a wistful feeling. Part of the lure and the charm of the card is that the enlightenment or fulfillment sought is in the distance. Making the journey the most important thing. Enlightenment is in the journey, it is not the destination. 

I've always said, I've said over and over--people are meant to WORK. People get into trouble, they get addicted to drugs, they get self-destructive, they lose sight of who they are and what their lives mean, when they don't have to work, or choose not to work. This is why the super-wealthy or the uber-privileged are in and out of rehab and killing themselves. Because people are meant to have to WORK. This is what makes people happy. And so, the most satisfying conclusion for me would have to involve me being busy working on something (8 of Coins). Otherwise, what else is life? 

This is a very short and sweet encapsulation of the eight cards I drew, but I like the spread's results. Seems quite apt, and works okay for a general. I'd like to see how it works for a specific query...

Flower remedies suggested by this reading: 

Water Violet is the remedy for those who shy away from others, avoiding engaging on a personal level with other people. While the Water Violet personality makes a good counselor, they may tend to be loners in their personal lives. Water Violet helps to loosen up and share with others on a more personal or purely social level. 


  1. I love this spread! What a great idea, and laying it out in the shape of lips is just the cherry on top :) I also really enjoyed how you responded to the King of Cups - beatniks forever, man ;D Will definitely try this when I have some time, hopefully later this week...

  2. Ooh, I would love to see how you get on with it! :)


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