Saturday 29 September 2012

Queen of Wands - on the flip side

Queen of Wands

Okay, so here's the counterbalance to my rant about the Queen of Wands from the other day. There's nothing wrong with having an opinion about a card, you know, or a type of person. And just because we have a tendency to automatically think of certain traits when a card turns up (because after all, we are only human and we ALL see life through the veil of our own personality regardless of how objective or 'fair' we might think we are) that doesn't mean we shouldn't read for people who have opposite traits to ours. Anyway, we all know that each card has the full gamut of meaning, and that each card is actually present in our own personalities, however dormant. Yes, I've got some Queen of Wands in me--both her positive and shadow side.

So--here's the brighter side of the Queen of Wands.

As a fire card, she is proactive. She is not passive. She does not hesitate to take action. She is assertive. When she sees something she wants, she will go for it with gusto. She lives her life on her own terms, and is not cowed by niceties or expectations of others, if she doesn't see them as falling in line with her own ideas about what her life should be like.

She is not much of a planner. She is a doer. She can get very excited about a project, but will tend to leave others to work out the details as she charges forward toward her vision. This is not because she thinks she is above petty details (though she is very impatient with them), it just doesn't occur to her to plan out everything. And she knows that other people are better at that than she is. She tends to take the lead in most situations. It's just what she does.

If you tell her something is impossible she will not listen. She refuses to believe that. She will MAKE it happen, she will roll forward over every obstacle, bend every rule, do things while others are telling her it can't be done, then when she has accomplished that task she will turn and say, 'See! That wasn't so bad!'

She doesn't see herself as frightening, though she certainly can be to those of a quieter, more introverted disposition. In fact, it really frustrates and annoys her when people seem overwhelmed by her. She thinks they should stick up for themselves and there's nothing to be afraid of. She wishes they would say something back to her if that's how they feel! She doesn't see herself as selfish, either, which in most cases she is not, but her forthright assertiveness on her own behalf can appear as selfishness to others. As Queen of her suit, she has probably reached the maturity to understand how to fully be herself without overwhelming less fiery personalities. However, she will exercise this ability only to a certain degree, then all bets are off and people who can't stand her fire will just have to get burned. Their problem. Like the cat coiled under her chair, her natural tendency is to stalk what she wants in life and pounce on instinct. To act first and ask questions (or face consequences) later.

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