Tuesday 16 October 2012

Something clever and new: Lenormand Daily Draw

What is happening to me today?

LoScarabeo Lenormand Oracle
AM 7.22
Key theme: learning, education, secrets
Prediction: 1) I will learn something clever that I can pass up to someone higher. 2) A sneaky secret will be revealed that I feel must be shared upward.

PM 21.43
Accuracy: Low
What happened in relation to the cards: There were several interesting things that could literally fulfill these cards. The first thing I did was quickly timetable the reading list for a book group and send it to central office. Then a junior member of staff came to me to let me know she had taken initiative to weed/tidy the fiction section. A few other things caught my attention during the day, but now I can't remember them all. The upshot is, though, even though the cards played out literally, I'm still not sure how I could have seen it in them ahead of time.

These trial and error attempts are probably pretty boring. I'll only throw them into this blog occasionally. :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't find these boring! Seeing how you interpret three cards together is always interesting - my interps are always different to yours... For example, here I might have said you'd have to act smart at work, in order to feel safe.

    As for seeing how they work out, I like that, too - grounds the reading.


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