Saturday 27 April 2013

Summary: The Columns

Looking at the columns of the spread gives an interesting summary. Overall, the spread suggests that this is a time in my life where I have potential (Sun), but also a lot of confusion and uncertainty (Moon). A certain ruthlessness is required (sword cards), but I am making progress, as I am leaving behind certain patterns of behaviour that no longer serve me. Or at least, I should leave them behind. Things like...complacency, self-defeating habits, defensiveness, and giving up of control of my own life. It seems clear from this spread that the onus is upon me to take care of my own little internal scabs...but it's also important that I accept as genuine any compliments or positive feedback I receive from outside sources, particularly in relation to my talents (though not necessarily in relation to financial decisions!).

The advice offered here is peculiar, but not unsuited to my personality. It's not telling me to change my basic nature, but I think to use those qualities to their fullest potential to effect change. I am told to carry on with my solitary explorations, be both logical and skeptical, and to be wary of instances where there might be some sort of attack or challenge. I think the final column is telling me more to wake up and use the skills I have than to turn over some big new leave into uncharted territory.

I think maybe I can do that. :)

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