Order a Reading

Saturday 2 March 2013

Something for your pantry

Thoth Energy Drink.

And you'd given up hope of ever finding an herbal energy drink that would impart the wisdom of the Egyptian pantheon. O ye of little ability to stumble onto weird stuff online.

Wow, this is an odd branding. I'm not endorsing it, I just thought it was a curious thing.


  1. Whats in it? :-/ will you be ordering any Carla.

    1. Naaaah, I posted it as a joke because it's called Thoth and I'm studying the Thoth Tarot. I have no idea what's in it. There's a link there, though!

  2. Hahaha! This is brilliant - thanks for sharing Carla :D

    1. Pretty strange, isn't it!! The advert (in the link above) helpfully provides this description:

      'thoth energy drink with ginko extrakt. thoth energy drink with green tea.

      'thoth was the god of wisdom, inventator of writing patron of scribes and the divine mediator.'

    2. Well, I guess writers need an energy boost when they're blocked, or when pulling an all nighter ;)


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