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Sunday 30 June 2013

A Courtly Tarot Celebration

'It is a joy to set a strong foundation beneath your desire and see it grow in strength and beauty...yet when you have built a grand empire from the results of your labours you must give thanks and make merry.' ~ Kim Huggens, Tarot Illuminati

This card turned up in my earlier Authentic Life Spread using the Tarot Illuminati (Dunne and Huggens, LoScarabeo 2013). Notice I've drawn another Wands card today, after yesterday's King of Wands! Here we have a Persian-looking building in the background, a male figure is wearing the turban, the baggy trousers, the sash around the waist and the pointy-toed shoes that I associate with episodes of  'I Dream of Jeannie'. The female figure looks more European to me, like a fairy tale medieval damsel, sort of like 14th century French court. The card is very reminiscent of its RWS counterpart, having four wands festooned with garlands of flowers, and a stately building or castle in the background, with people celebrating.

The Four of Wands usually signifies having a stable foundation and/or a celebration of recent accomplishments. Things are going well and you can treat yourself. The card could also predict a special event, party or celebration.

Today I celebrate the firm foundation of daily posting here at this blog, and I give thanks for the opportunities it has given me to help people through tarot readings. I thank all those who have allowed me to read for them, offering them fresh perspectives to help them see their path more clearly. And I celebrate the tarot, such an important part of my life and practice. I would love to read for you! If you would like a reading, click the button above marked 'Order a Tarot Reading' and let's chat about it.


  1. I like the building more than the people, though it seems almost too imposing for the Four of Wands. Foundations, but not yet such a massive and rigid structure, are what I normally see in this card...

    As for your own foundation, so glad you continue to blog! Anyone who gets a reading from you is lucky indeed :)


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