Order a Reading

Friday 7 March 2014

Prepping for success

It's the last day of the big first week! I have one bit of induction today (an important bit, but it's still only 1.5 hours of the total day) and I hope to have the time to sit down with all the materials I've been given and start to map out the pattern of my work. What regular events/tasks do I have? How often do they occur? How can I best track what needs tracking? I'm hoping I will be left alone to get on with this prep work, which will make my workload simpler to manage once the tasks start for real.

The card points me toward the weekend, or perhaps the end of the day today: 'You can now start to take a break and appreciate the results of your hard work and effort,' says the companion book, which goes on to say, 'Once we have prepared the ground and planted the seed, we need to stand back and let the growing take place without further interference or worry.' That's the kind of work I hope to get done today.

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