Order a Reading

Thursday 11 April 2013

Hey, look at this!

Kelly-Ann of The Four Queens has made a Youtube called 'Getting a Reading: Advice and Experiences'.  It is a very informative (and energetic!) clip, with loads of advice about how to choose a reader and to prepare oneself for making the most of a tarot reading. The whole thing is definitely worth watching. She talks about the reading I did for her recently beginning at 13:07 of the clip.

Thanks, Kelly-Ann, I'm so glad the reading was meaningful to you. :)


  1. Loved what she said about "if I'm paying someone to use their intuition, I don't try to interpret the cards myself" - especially after what happened last week ;) Good going with the reading!

    1. Yes, and she can talk for England, that's for sure! If I had half her energy, my flat would be a lot cleaner at the very least. :)

    2. Bah, cleanliness is overrated ;)


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