Order a Reading

Monday 15 April 2013

I'm back!

Broadway Tower, 12 April 2013
Back from hols; it was a weekend of mixed weather and lots of fun sites. Now time to get back to tarot! I'll post a little something tomorrow. I have a reading to do for a client first, though.


  1. Looks like you had a lovely sunny day there Carla!!!

    1. It was sunny one minute and tipping it down the next. Right before this sun broke out, it looked like the end of the world out there! We were in the tower when it was lashing it down with rain. I've got photos of that, too.

  2. Glad you saw some interesting and beautiful places. Have to say, I almost prefer the wall you're leaning against to the tower, but I guess the latter was good for the rain ;) And good luck with the client reading, too!

  3. Hope you had a great time.


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