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Wednesday 10 April 2013

Too Temperate?

Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot has two Temperance cards, and not because the artist couldn't make up his mind, nor so that readers could take their pick. It's because of the Portal Ritual of the Golden Dawn. The companion book instructs to take one out for divination, and doesn't explain why two are needed for the ritual, nor does it give any detail about the ritual itself.

The card on the left, with the cauldron, is referred to as the 'more ancient' one. 'This earlier figure was considered not so much a representation of this Path alone, as the synthesis of that and others conjoined. The later figure, therefore is better adapted to the more restricted meaning.' ~ from The Portal Ritual, quoted in 'The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot' by Chic and Sandra Cicero

The first version shows that the combining of forces requires a stout hearted fearlessness. The Ciceros call it 'Temperance in its raw state.' The second version is the more familiar giant angel standing with one foot on the land and one foot on the water. She is called the 'Vision of Beauty' and represents the spiritual union which awaits those who travel this path. So in essence, the first version shows the bravery it takes to start on and journey along this path, and the second shows the result of the path. I suppose this is a very strong hint as to how the two cards might be used in the Portal Ritual. I found this article, but it made no sense to me.

Both cards are lovely, if you ask me.


  1. Interesting! There's a lot more alchemical symbolism in the first, and I really like her :) She seems like a combination of Strength, Death and Temperance. And I like how the rays of light from the first card have become a circle in the second - I guess that's what you mean about one being the start of the path, and the second the outcome?

    However, for the moment I shall stay temperate and not head over to amazon... ;)

    1. awwww...go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!

    2. lol, have you been watching Father Ted Carla?

  2. so basically there's a thothy one and a rws-ey one, looks like?

    odd that he wouldn't at least describe this ritual since he made a card just for it.

    must say i like the left hand one myself better, no doubt because the thoth style take on the card conceptually appeals to me a lot more...

    you make this deck tempting....if only the art wasn't so....er, unrefined...

    1. edit - wrong adjective, was thinking of a different golden dawn deck. this one is not so much that at least not the majors but still...deal breakingly not me :0

    2. Oh well!

      I got some great answers about the ritual at AT:


  3. That first Temperance card is a bit saucy :-0

    1. Lots of topless figures in this deck. Nothing erotic about them, though. :)


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