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Friday 5 April 2013

Step lightly, step sure

Cosmic Tarot (the hair is a free bonus)
Yesterday I spent so much time online trying to figure out what to do with my piddling little amount of savings. It's sort of comical, really. I have not got much a nest egg, and there is so little incentive for saving these days, it's like trying to select just the right   bean from a bag of dried pinto beans. What's the difference? But, I selected and applied for an ISA to transfer my little nest egg to, to try to wring as much as I can get out of it, bless it's thumpin' gizzard (as my mother used to say).

Anyway, after all that plodding (not to mention the two workouts I did, having not worked out to speak of for months, which I'm sure I'll be paying for when the 24-hour mark rolls around), the card is telling me that today is a day to measure my steps. Take care. Be balanced in all things, particularly in things to do with the physical, material, financial planes.

It's kind of interesting how this earth card is so dominated by water, and even the boat in the background has a spiritual symbol on it. Also interesting how there is no line of division between the water's edge and the shore upon which our hero is taking his careful, Daniel-san style steps. (Daniel-san from Karate Kid...or maybe Wai Chang Kane from Kung Fu. Or just any cool but slightly pretentious guy you see doing tai chi in the local public park).

Gosh, there's lots of stuff in this card to speak to us of balance in the spiritual and material planes. In fact, there's stuff to represent all 4 elements, though I guess fire is a little lacking, apart from the sunlight and the spotlights that are appearing under our hero's feet, Michael Jackson-like.

The whole card seems to be asking me to be cool, take my time, and balance all aspects of the self. Well, that's a lot to ask a person on a Friday!


  1. Hi :) I just read a resurrected old thread on Aeclectic Tarot and it made me come over here and order a reading :) I've emailed you with details. Thanks x

    1. Thanks, Kelly-Ann. I'll have your reading to you by the end of the weekend. :D

  2. Hope you managed to have a calm, balanced Friday :) I guess I was more on the juggling side of the card! Went shoe shopping, which I hate, but it was really necessary as there was a huge hole in my last pair of comfy trainers. Worked on my twitter marketing (and yes, that feels like work...) Printed out and distributed some flyers for my next Intro to the Lenormand workshop. And also asked about running a half-day advanced workshop ;) Then, out on the town with DO: weird to be out on a Friday night in Camden, happens so rarely! We just had a bite to eat and soaked up the atmosphere :D

  3. Do, do, do, do. Yes I remember that Michael Jackson video, Billy Jean me thinks :-)

    The guy on the card reminds me of an actor called Cantiflas who played Passpartout in the original movie version of Around the World in 80 Days alongside David Niven playing Philleas Fogg!

    1. Wow, that is an obscure movie reference! Well done! (The book I've got says it's Fred Astaire. No WAY does that guy look like Fred Astaire!)


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