Wednesday 21 March 2012

Bach Flower Divination Cards

On a roll with the Bach thing, I discovered 'Bach Flower Divination Cards' on a website called Creature Comforts. Based in Cromer, birthplace of Bach flower remedies, this company produces handmade remedies, and also offers this curious little deck of cards. 

My deck arrived today. It is very small, 2.25 x 3 inches, and the card stock is rather thin. It has a light, silky lamination. There are 38 cards, one for each of the Bach flower remedies. The front of the card has a full-colour close-up photograph of the flower, its name in a pleasant font that looks like italic handwriting, and   under that, on a black background, its negative and positive qualities (ie, qualities that can be treated by the remedy, and the subsequent restored balance provided by the remedy).


+ Mental fatigue / Apathy / Over burdened
- Clarity / Lucidity / Revitalised

The backs of the cards look like pages from an old scrapbook. They are orange--my favourite colour!--and decorated with what looks like the dried, pressed version of the flower,  old photographs, and handwritten quotations from various writers/celebrites. For example, the Hornbeam card says on the back: 'The greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity. GE Lessing.' Also contains a key word ('Clarity'), the botanical name for the flower ('Carpinus betulus'), and a note on what subset of Bach remedies the flower is categorised in. Some cards have a special extra note of interest, a bit of trivia, history, or lore.
I like the cards very much, although they were a bit pricey for what they are, being a small deck of 38 small cards, and not even with a box, but an little organza bag. Still, as they are self-published, I'm sure the cost was reasonable in the mind of the seller. I'm glad I got them as they make a wonderful cross-collectible for me and a nice companion to the Bach Flower Inspiration Cards.

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