On a roll with the Bach thing, I discovered 'Bach Flower Divination Cards' on a website called Creature Comforts. Based in Cromer, birthplace of Bach flower remedies, this company produces handmade remedies, and also offers this curious little deck of cards.
+ Mental fatigue / Apathy / Over burdened
- Clarity / Lucidity / Revitalised
The backs of the cards look like pages from an old scrapbook. They are orange--my favourite colour!--and decorated with what looks like the dried, pressed version of the flower, old photographs, and handwritten quotations from various writers/celebrites. For example, the Hornbeam card says on the back: 'The greatest beauty always lies in the greatest clarity. GE Lessing.' Also contains a key word ('Clarity'), the botanical name for the flower ('Carpinus betulus'), and a note on what subset of Bach remedies the flower is categorised in. Some cards have a special extra note of interest, a bit of trivia, history, or lore.
I like the cards very much, although they were a bit pricey for what they are, being a small deck of 38 small cards, and not even with a box, but an little organza bag. Still, as they are self-published, I'm sure the cost was reasonable in the mind of the seller. I'm glad I got them as they make a wonderful cross-collectible for me and a nice companion to the Bach Flower Inspiration Cards.
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