Saturday 7 September 2013

Boldly go

This week's deck is Druidcraft Tarot by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington (Connections, 2005).  My deck has been trimmed of inner and outer borders on all four sides. The deck is meant to reflect the concept of 'Druidcraft', a merging of the two main streams of the Western Pagan tradition, Druidry and Wicca. The art is characterized by Will Worthington's distinctive style. It is a deck beloved by many, and I am surprised to realize I've never done a week of daily draws with it.

Today's draw is the Captain Kirk of the tarot courts, the King of Wands. His pose reminds me of James T Kirk sitting in the captain's chair. This is a person who has supreme self-confidence, is a rule-breaker, a short-cut taker, and who is never willing to believe that failure is a possibility. He will save his ship and crew even if he has to risk the lives of every single one of them to do it. The phrase 'Never tell me the odds,' springs to mind, though that was uttered by a different cocky space pilot.

I guess it's pretty obvious where this energy will be needed today, as I go forth to work to attempt to marshal anywhere from 30-150 kids (no way to know how many)--not to mention their parents and all the little sibings-- through an awards ceremony and get them all back out the door again in 1.5 hours, to allow time for cleaning up and putting everything back in place before closing. All this while also attempting to carry on with the usual level of customer service elsewhere. At least there won't be any food or drink on offer, but I foresee many trips upstairs to use the staff loos. Once one goes, they all want to go, and we've been instructed we can't so no (having previously been instructed to always say no) after a customer complaint. Ah, the capricious nature of management as it kneels before the omnipotence of the customer comment form. Well, this will no doubt be the policy until the next time a kid trips on the stairs and splits his lip.

Anyway, I like this King of Wands. I like his funky little orange tartan MC Hammer trousers, his stringy red hair and his beefy forearms. Actually, in looks he's more like Ricardo Montalban as Khan than Fatty Shatner as Kirk. That's no bad thing!


  1. Hilarious! Both the sniping at Kirk, the drooling over Ricardo Montalban, and the sarcasm towards management. Good luck today! I can imagine the kid's event being fun, but also very challenging...

  2. My favorite king of all the decks. A good draw for today.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry, I made too many mistakes in my spelling (I am Dutch) So I will give it another try
    I like your comparison to the two testosterone bombs. That is what the king of wands is for me: The main man; the dominant leader
    The Druidcraft Tarot is one of my favorite decks. After some flaws to the borders I've trimmed it to and love it even more

    1. Testosterone bombs!! ha ha I like that. Welcome, Ellen, thanks for commenting. :)

  5. Anonymous8.9.13

    Great that you are reading with this deck this week. Since my bf bought it as his first deck on Friday, I'm sure he'll want to read these entries :)

    1. His own deck at last, how cool! Love that you've finally persuaded him into the tarot fold ;) The DruidCraft is the only deck my Dear One ever reads with, too :)

    2. Oooh, I'll have to try to do more than ramble on! :)


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