Order a Reading

Sunday 29 September 2013

Share a Spread Sunday: The Esoteric Cross (with Chakra Cleanse)

This spread is a variation I created based on an idea by Rachel Pollack. It is unusual, for me, in that the cards are laid out face down and each card turned over and considered on its own before moving on to the next card. It's a good card for deep personal reflection.


Card Positions
1) Who am I?
2) Where do I come from?
3) What deep energy powers me?
4) What higher truth guides me?
5) What is my task?
6) Who is my hidden self?
7) What will I learn when I leave this form?

Shuffle the cards and lay them out face down, tucking card 6 horizontally underneath card 1. Turn over each card one by one, taking time over the 6/1 combination in particular. Place card 6 horizontally on top of card 1 to interpret. Then consider the entire spread as a whole. 

'Bonus Chakra Cleanse'
Rearrange the cards as chakras by moving them thus:

Crown chakra --     7) What will I know when I leave this form?
Brow/Third Eye --   4) What higher truth guides me? 
Throat --                 5) What is my task?
Heart --                   6) Who is my hidden self?
Solar plexus --         1) Who am I?
Sacral --                  3) What deep energy powers me?
Root --                    2) Where do I come from?

I first tried this spread out here:  Who am I?

And I did the chakra variation here: Esoteric Cross: Chakra Correspondences

If you would like me to read for you using this spread, please send me an email at rowan_tarot@yahoo.co.uk. As this spread is quite detailed and involved (the sample readings in the links that I did for myself are quite short in comparison to a 'real' reading I would do for you), the charge is £50. 


  1. Thanks Carla. And what a lovely song is "little bitty" . :D

  2. Ah yes, I remember this one, very interesting :)


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