Order a Reading

Friday 4 October 2013

The Page of Wands wears a Wonder Bra

Roots of Asia, 2001
Our last card from the Roots of Asia Tarot (AGMuller, 2001) is Page of Wands. This is a lovely image, filled with symbolic objects. Unfortunately, the LWB doesn't explain all of them. We are told that the tiger represents clear perception, and fire indicates energy, passion and endurance. There are also irises all over this card, and I do not know what significance an iris has in Asian/Buddhist symbolism. In flower symbolism, it means faith, hope and wisdom. I really don't think this card is pointing to the Greek goddess, Iris, the goddess of the rainbow. But maybe it is...

The divinatory meaning given in the book is 'Following my heart.' So that is what I will do today.


  1. Anonymous4.10.13

    Arhhhh ! It's the end of Root of Asia Tarot already , so sad, It's just like a dream T.T . I don't have enough of this yet. However, there's must be some others space for another beautiful deck.
    And for Page of wands, can you see the light that come from under her boobs. It's the light of a coming Buddha Heart. It's the heart of braveness, and i see that page of w a little bit of an amazon girl somehow. So be brave today Carla :D

  2. I have really enjoyed this week with Roots of Asia. It's a pity this deck is out of print.
    Enjoy your day :)

  3. With a post title like that, how could I not come and check out your blog! :D


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