Order a Reading

Sunday 7 September 2014

Share a Spread Sunday: Harvest Moon in Pisces

The full moon is in Pisces this week (Tuesday, 9 September). It falls in Pisces Decan 2, a decan which makes us easily susceptible to the energies around us. Because this is a watery sign, we're going to be feeling emotional anyway, so it's going to be important in these days leading up to the full moon and then from then to the new moon to protect ourselves from negativity and shield ourselves with positive energy. 

This is also the last Super Moon of 2014 (when the moon comes very close to earth in its elliptical orbit) as well as the Harvest Moon (the full moon nearest to Autumn Equinox -- it beats out the full moon on 8 October by only 16 hours!) 

Here's a spread for the Harvest Moon in Pisces: 

1. How can I protect myself from negativity? 
2. How can I increase my own positivity?
3. How can I increase positivity around me?
4. What am I harvesting in this full moon? 

My reading for myself is on my other blog: Blackbirds and Rowanberries. :) 


  1. Looks like a good spread, will pop over to Blackbirds and Rowanberries to see how it worked out :)


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