Order a Reading

Tuesday 4 November 2014

A 5-card daily draw

(Stringing together card meanings: The health and longevity of the relationship is affected by reflective learning/formality during work commute.)

Both of us have time during our work commutes for reflection on all the things we've been learning recently. It also turns out that we were talking about that this morning, how our commute time can be used for reflection and meditation on the set of formalised principles we've been learning lately. The Tower in the centre of the spread shows how important those principles and teachings are for our growth -- and 'growth'  is reinforced by the pairing of the first and last cards in the spread Tree + Moon = growth resulting from reflection/intuition.

French Cartomancy (LoScarabeo, no date on box)


  1. Good luck with those reflections! And I love your suggestion of how we can fit this kind of growth into what time we have, such as commuting :)


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