The Lovers' Tarot by Jane Lyle (Connections, 2005) |
Apparently The Lovers' Tarot by Jane Lyle has been through many editions, the first one coming out in 1992 as a majors only deck. I bought the 78-card version because I watched a video of Four Queens unboxing hers and when upon investigation I discovered that the pip cards are very plain, I ordered it. I quite like pips-only decks. There's something that feels very fortune-tellerish about laying out a bunch of plain cards and doing a reading with them; I feel it shows some knowledge, and appears less like you're 'just looking at the pictures and making stuff up.' I have both kinds of decks, of course, but I think it's good to use pips-only decks, too.
This deck is called The Lovers' Tarot and it is specifically intended to be used for love and relationship readings. The 64-page guidebook accordingly confines its interpretations to that context, which makes for an interesting read. Though the book is very brief, it is packed with useful information, making it a valuable and convenient resource for quick reference. Each major card gets one page of text that includes ruling planet, element, and a keyword, a 2 or 3 paragraph explanation of the card, and two key phrases called 'essence'. I feel the book really comes into its own with the minors and courts. Instead of organising them by suit, Ace - Ten, as most (but not all) guidebooks do, this book is organised by number. For each number, all four cards are featured across two facing pages, with one-half a page each. The upright meaning is called 'The Gift' and the reversed meaning is called 'The Challenge'. Each card is given a keyword for both upright and reversed:
The Lovers' Tarot by Jane Lyle (Connections 2005) |
About the art -- it's a kind of photo collage which some call awkward and clunky, but I think it's meant to be like that. The illustrator, Oliver Burston, is a professional commercial artist so I have no doubt he has the skill to create something realistic and lifelike. I just don't think that was the object here. I like that the art looks like pieces cut from the work of great masters and pasted down. I like the flatness and odd proportions. It's why I like the Tarot Illuminati as well. See what you think:
Majors from The Lovers' Tarot (Connections 2005)
Courts from The Lover's Tarot (Connections 2005) |
The only down side I see to this deck is the suit of Wands. There is no movement there, and for the Fire suit, I would like to see the arrangement less static. I'll show you what I mean. The wands are used to create almost like a wall or fence as the numbers get higher. This disappoints me. I would like to have seen, for example, all of them aligned for 8 of Wands, and a bit more confusion in 5 of Wands and 10 of Wands. I know it's a pips-only deck, but there's just something about the way the wands form a kind of garden fence that doesn't seem very Wandsy to me. I would also have preferred a red or orange background colour, to reflect the Fire element. That's the only negative thing I have to say about this deck, though.
I find this an attractive deck with a useful little guidebook, and it comes with a lovely sturdy box, all for a very reasonable price. I am quite pleased with it, and feel it's a keeper.
Ha ha, I like the saccharine Happy Tarot, but this one leaves me cold. Funny how we can have such different likes :) The photo collage here repels me, though I love Ciro's CGI. And your objections to the Wands suit would put me off, too!
ReplyDeleteThe Happy Tarot makes me want to puke. LOL It's a good thing there are so many decks. :)
DeleteI quite like the looks of this deck. I am up past my bedtime and am searching images of it. I should have known to just come here. LOL! I am put off by the lack of movement as well. Especially in the 8 of wands. Other than that, I love it. I am a collage art kinda girl. Oh, and the Happy Tarot - yuk! haha
ReplyDeleteI had just received this deck (2003, second edition) today as my first given tarot. My library director had seen it at an estate sale, brand new, and picked it up for me. Looking at it from outside of being so happy to have been given it, I agree with you on many levels. I do like the simplicity of it, I do not get lost in all of the pictures (having ADHD, this makes a difference), but I do think the wands could have been done a bit more appealing. I would say either go more simple to match the others, or make their alignments more pleasing to the eye.
ReplyDeleteI do like the artwork itself, I like that it seems a bit odd, a bit artsy and the colors are pleasing to me.
Thanks for the information on here!