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Sunday, 13 September 2015

Juicy and she knows it - Queen of Coins - Fountain Tarot

Fountain Tarot (2014) 
It's the Queen of Coins (or Pentacles) today from the Fountain Tarot (2014). Once again, the depiction of a court card brings out aspects that are not so apparent in traditional RWS imagery.

For myself, I tend to think of Queen of Coins as a sort of mini-Empress. In the RWS image, her Earth Mother qualities are right out there -- she sits on a throne amidst flora and fauna, looking sweet and demure, and not particularly sensual, materialistic, or concerned with things like fashion and appearances. However, the Queen of Pentacles (or Coins) can in fact be very concerned about these things, and that aspect of her turns up here quite strongly.

On this card we see a beautiful woman wearing a flamboyant dark gown -- to me it looks like bottle green velvet. She stands in a self-conscious but undeniably alluring pose, one knee crooked, hip stuck out, one hand on hip, the other lightly making contact with her decolletage. Her surroundings are natural, but they are anything but wild. There is a pair of topiary trees -- a trained tree like this to me is the very symbol of man's dominion over the natural. The tree in the background fades into a shower of gold, and of course at her feet is a giant gold coin. This Queen of Coins certainly enjoys the finer things in life. She enjoys her flesh, she enjoys the outdoors (in her highly cultivated garden), she enjoys sensuous fabrics and having her hair and nails done and sipping fine wine and standing around looking gorgeous.

In my mind I know these qualities are 100% true of the Queen of Pentacles, but without particular context and surrounding cards, they simply are not the first thing to come to mind when reading this card. And that's a shame, because they really are strong qualities present in the Queen of Pentacles. They may manifest in various ways in 'real life', but concerns about money, physicality, the experience of the senses, and so on are her realm, for sure.

I like this luscious Queen of Coins. She is juicy and she knows it.

She would write this poem:


  1. She has definitively the self awareness and alluring qualities of her fiery sister the Queen of Wands. The traditional Queen of P is more like the mother of Ron Weasly :)

    1. LOL. I know, that's how I usually think of her!

  2. That's a great depiction and interpretation of her, Carla. My sister is a total Q/Coins from both the RWS type and this one. She can rustle up a meal out of pebbles, rescues creatures of all kinds, has a fabulous haircut and beautiful boots! With so many depictions of her being Empress-lite, it's easy to forget she can be an independent woman on her own path.

    1. Empress-lite, precisely that!

  3. Your connection of the Empress with this Queen makes a lot of sense. The Empress creates and the Queen of Pents uses those resources in artful or nurturing ways.

    1. And yet to me this depiction is much more voluptuous and puts me in mind of the Queen of Wands, in many ways.

  4. Your discussion makes me think of a couple of friends of mine who can be cleaning baby puke one moment and glamming it up in a hand-crocheted (by them) dress the next moment :D That resourcefulness and practicality can be put into looking and feeling good and abundant :)


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