"The battering rods [of the 5 of Wands] have united and become a fruit-bearing tree, a yielding tree, which grows from the battle-scarred landscape. The yield is a bloody fruit with light emitting from the centre. This fruit is offered up, via the white path of the magic carpet (the wings of ascension) to a higher force. The higher force symbolized by the appearance of the four-coloured diamond or octahedron (a pyramidal structure) in the sky. This higher force is four-coloured for the four planes of existence, and geometrical for balance. Looking at the diamond, you are looking into the pyramid of the 4 [of Wands], once again filled with the light of your own higher consciousness." - Tarot of the Spirit, p 91
And I thought that was a flying carpet.
To me, it looks like a decorative rug with a tree or something growing out of it, flying through the night sky toward this white light that has opened up, and that 'octahedron' has appeared there in the doorway, guiding us in.
'Cause it's Friday. And the 'bloody battlefield' of the week is behind me. And even though I have to work Sunday (boo!) I've got tomorrow off. And I finish today at 3.30. So I'm coming into the home stretch of the week. The weekend beckons.
Congrats on getting through the week! And I'm glad you're having so much fun with this deck, even if only through snark :D