Order a Reading

Tuesday 10 May 2016

The lady of the house

She's back! 9 of Pentacles from the Pamela Colman Smith Commemorative Tarot.

This lady has turned up at least three times since we started our search for a house.

'A message from this card is to make your home a place of peace, comfort and renewal. This card reminds us that our "outer space", the world around us, plays a part in our spiritual progress, too. No matter how modest your home is, it can be all that, for the size and budget of your home are not important. A small cottage can be a warm, soothing environment, while a mansion can seem cold and sterile,' James Ricklef, The Soul's Journey: Finding Spiritual Messages in the Tarot, p. 256. 

Tonight we view a house. Perhaps it will become the place of peace, comfort and renewal Ricklef refers to here. It is up to us to decide if those particular floors, walls and ceilings will be transformed by us into such a refuge.

I will enter the space with clean hands and a clear mind. After all, we have a viewing of a different house scheduled for tomorrow. There will always be houses. And we will find a house.


  1. Yes, an important distinction between a house and a home - you can make wherever you move a home. And you will find a house :)


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