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Friday 3 June 2016

Page of Cups - Unabashed delight

Morgan Greer Tarot 
This was my Card of the Day on 26th May, though it turns out I didn't blog that day. I do have a note of it in my new bullet journal ('bujo' for short).

Here are some previous blogs about him:

Page of Cups, 26 June 2015 

Lesbian Vampire Killer of 1871, 1 Oct 2014 

When Aniruddha met Usha, 8 July 2014 

Peace like a river, 14 June 2014 

What would Butters do?,  29 March 2014 

Wonder and delight, 17 Feb 2014 

Love bubbles -- have you sent any lately?,  7 June 2013

Looks like 2014 (pre-October) was a big year for Page of Cups. His happy naivete was shattered that month, and I disappeared from this blog for a time. He disappeared from my draws. Perhaps his reappearance heralds the return of delight in my daily life.

'This card typically expresses the theme of being enchanted by the mysteries of life, and we may see it as urging us to embrace that which is mysterious, unknown, or even unknowable,' writes James Ricklef in The Soul's Journey: Finding Spiritual Messages in the Tarot. I don't quite agree with that. I think the Page of Cups lacks depth where mysteries are concerned. What he has is the ability to greet each inexplicable thing with complete acceptance and delight. He doesn't bother with why or how -- how could a fish pop out of my cup? -- but just laughs with joy when it happens. Like a baby who is surprised and delighted during a game of peek-a-boo, or who thinks the sound of ripping paper is the most hilarious thing on earth.

He also represents innocent love, an openness to the joy of interaction. Again, we can learn from very young children who look at us with wide eyes and inspire us to making funny faces just to see their hearty laughter and unabashed delight.

We could use more of this.

1 comment:

  1. unabashed delight... what a beautiful phrase. That is the fun part of learning another language. Words are new and fresh and are strung into sentences so different then I am used too.
    I hope you will be inspired by this Page to experience your life with a childlike curiousity


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