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Tuesday 7 May 2013

Chunky monkey

I drew a card this morning from Heart of Faerie Oracle by Brian Froud and thought, 'What? Just the other day I was more or less advised by Tarot of the Sidhe to get more down to earth, and now I've drawn "The Dreaming"? Make up your mind!'

And so I drew a second card to expand on the first -- The Paradox. Oh, ha ha. Well, aren't you cute this morning. Yes, it's a paradox, hardy har. Something's good, but it's also bad. Something's bad, but it's good. Yeah, I get it. Dreaming's good and bad, yeah.

So...I drew another card. What exactly am I supposed to do, eh? And I drew -- The Pan. He's taking a flying leap, just like the Fool in my other draw!  Okay, I've got you. It's okay to dream...if I then do something. It's okay to think about stuff...if I then do it. Otherwise, it's not okay to just talk to myself about stuff. (Or write blog entries about it) I can see that. Jeez, stop harassing me!

Heart of Faerie, Froud
All I know is this morning I feel and look like a big flabby water balloon with a string tied around its middle. Glad it's warmer now. Time to stop thinking (or dreaming) about eating well and losing this weight I've put on. But no leaping or else my downstairs neighbour will be up here banging on the door again wanting to know what the heck is going on. Got to shop for some low impact (non impact!) workouts--instead of more tarot and oracle decks! In the meantime, I'll do my best to modify those I can, and fingers crossed he's not home down there! Grumpy old git.

Tough love, faeries. Tough love.


  1. Hilarious! Sounds like you're developing an excellent relationship with the faeries ;)

    Good luck with the exercise (and the grumpy neighbour). I figure it's always easier to lose weight when the weather warms up - less temptation to stay indoors and down comfort food...

  2. Smiles ear to ear from me Carla! Find a workout buddy-- do something fun-- explore the outdoors. You might even catch a glimpse of a faerie or two out there. Fresh air is always refreshing.

    1. Good advice, but I'm a solitary exerciser. Some people wear a heart rate monitor. My measurement is swearing. When I've called the instructor on the DVD a few choice names, I've hit my target heart rate.

  3. Guess what, I did a workout for the first time since 4th April 2013 (the last time I worked out, when the old codger came up to say he couldn't hear his TV for the noise.) Hooray for me! I took a flying leap like Pan -- only without leaping. I did a workout from the old Firm Body Sculpting Series 1. (Vidiots will know what it is. If you're a vidiot, you'll know what a vidiot is. And if you aren't interested in workouts, don't worry, I won't let this blog stray from tarot!)

    1. lol :-) Didn't know you were such a hell-raiser Carla, wait till I tell all your pals at the library lol . It's always the quiet ones:-) lol xx

  4. Is a vidiot someone who still plays old videocassettes even though they have been out of fashion for over 10 years.

    1. No,a vidiot is someone who collects home workouts on DVD and eschews the gym. They hang out at a website called www.videofitness.com and enable each other on buying new workouts and equipment. :)

    2. I dunno, I'm definitely a vidiot, but I now eschew videofitness.com (except for actual shopping), as I can only get low-impact workouts anyway :/

    3. Me too! Maybe you can enable me on some low impact. I need something that my downstairs neighbor won't have anything to complain about. To be fair, tuck jumps aren't it!

    4. Cathe has got some absolutely kick-butt low impact workouts! Low Max, Cardio Supersets, Low Impact Circuit and Low Impact Step Challenge are probably my favourites. She also has an all Low Impact HIIT that's pretty good, though that really requires her sliders (paper plates work, but not very well). I found Slide and Glide a bit dull, though it does do the job... :)


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