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Heart of Faerie Oracle, Froud |
I need to figure out what is keeping me captive. The reason I have become resistent to working out has to do with being held captive by something. The Heart of Faerie Oracle companion book says the Captive Man shows us that we are in thrall to false ideals that may be harming us. Of course I probably do have false ideals where the issue of fitness and health are concerned. First, I have perfection in mind as a standard against which I measure myself. Most of us have a tendency to do this, some of us more than others. Second, I have a false ideal that eating well and working out will weave some sort of barrier against ageing, illness and pain. That's something most of us have a tendency to do, too. We don't do it consciously, but somewhere inside us, we feel we've made a deal: If I do 'this' (whatever it is) then you (the universe, I guess) promise that 'that' won't happen to me. If I cook a homemade meal every night and keep the house looking great, my husband will never have an affair. If I go to church every Sunday then I won't ever have any doubts or worries to plague me. If I workout to a strict regime and eat well and lose weight and do my best, then I won't get old, get sick or die. These thoughts are not something we consciously do, because they're irrational. It's called 'magical thinking' (at least I call it that) and it's not at all an example of skillful means. So when something happens to break the deal (I worked out and did well and still my knees are dodgy and I got plantar fascitis--or even less logically, I worked out and ate well and still I lost my job), then we say, 'Screw it, who cares, this doesn't work. Bring on the Doritos.' We may not know we're thinking that way, but we probably are.
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Heart of Faerie Oracle, Froud |
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Heart of Faerie Oracle, Froud |
But seriously, I know what this is getting at. I remember what life was like when I was doing well with my diet and exercise. I actually cultivated this exact stance - I didn't worry about the consequences of my actions, but focused instead on the action itself. When I worked out, I was working out. When I ate a bowl of strawberries, I was eating a bowl of strawberries. And, yes, I did take smug pleasure in drinking 8 or more giant glasses of water a day and snacking on strawberries and rice cakes while those around me ate crisps, and being able to do 40 press ups on my toes. But the pleasure came from these actual things, not so much as insurance against some big bad future. And so, by taking pleasure in the moment, I was also feeling the Joy of the Future. I felt a little a glimmer of that yesterday when I was doing my workout. The joy of movement in that moment, without worries about whether the time spent working out would 'pay off' in less flab on the upper arm or a smaller butt. And that is really the secret to the whole process.
So, yeah, you can ask the faeries about mundane daily things. What's my mantra for today then? 'Right now in this moment, I am not eating fudge.' :)
Ha, those faeries sure have got you pegged :) Lovely reading, I love the way you flowed from one card to another in this kind of conversation! And good luck finding your Joy of the Future in the moment - should be easier now you're walking (only getting round to reading blogs now my travels and workshop are over).