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Tuesday 27 May 2014

Beauty's where you find it

How pretty! I like this image from Chakra Wisdom Oracle (Watkins 2014). It looks like the beautiful maiden has emerged through a door into a beautiful garden. The card title is 'Perception' -- perhaps there is a message here of beauty being where you find it. I haven't opened the companion book yet. I know that green is the heart chakra, so this must be a card for 4th chakra, heart chakra.

And it is...but I'm not going to delve into the companion book for this card. I like my interpretation of it. I'm not going to read any of the complicated 'legends' or quick guides or any of that.

Beauty is where you find it.


  1. I do like the pictures but I am a bit put of by the legends too

    1. I tend to lose patience when a deck makes me refer constantly to the guide book. This card is so pretty, though. :)

  2. Interesting, I also didn't look at the companion book, but once again came up with a totally different (or maybe not so very different) interpretation to yours. For me, it's about our perception being affected by how loving we are - we will see life better if we can look through loving eyes :)

    1. I think it's the same interpretation. It's in the eye of the beholder.


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