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Wednesday 7 May 2014

Sherlock Holmes Tarot Week - Lady of Observation

The Queens in the Sherlock Holmes Tarot are called 'Lady' and this is the 'Lady of Observation' -- Queen of Swords. I think it's pretty interesting that the star of the card, the Lady, is so tiny and Sherlock himself is so prominent. I couldn't tell you, though, what is happening in this card. It looks like Sherlock is turning disdainfully away from the lady, while either handing her something or accepting something from her. Maybe he's showing her disdain because she isn't impressed with him. 'The Lady for this suit could be any one of Holmes' more determined clients,' the companion book says, 'Though these redoubtable ladies seek assistance from Holmes, they do so much as one who employs a servant. If they are astounded by the great detective's skills, they often show it less than the police or others dazzled by Holmes' abilities.' Ah, well, we know Holmes wouldn't appreciate that kind of treatment. He does like to have his abilities dazzle.

I consider the Queen of Swords my significator, so it looks like this will be 'my' day, which is good. Let's hope there will be no misunderstandings today and all goes smoothly. If the Queen of Swords has anything to do with it (and it looks like today she does) communication will be clear and unmistakable, and there will be no room for being 'dazzled' by anything. Time to get down to brass tacks!


  1. Tee hee, I can just imagine the Queen of Swords deflating Holmes' ego a little: perhaps figuring out something herself, or making a cutting remark to his bragging :)

  2. Agreed. It looks like the source of information comes from the lady behind the veil. Sherlock Holmes must value the Quenn of Swords because she can see the truth so clearly. In fact Holmes could only value such a woman. If there is disdain, it could be within which may be why his eyes are closed. The Lady "sees" in this picture and much more than Holmes ... at a glance.

    I lke this card a lot!


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