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Friday 3 July 2015

Four of Cups

The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson (Llewellyn 1995)

I have really been enjoying the water colour artwork of the Llewellyn Tarot this week. It's a lovely deck. I even like the wide borders; they seem in keeping with the art. I just wish the deck were even bigger than it is. The art's so beautiful, I'd like to get a closer look at it.

This is the Four of Cups, which the companion book assigns the traditional contemporary meaning of 'discontent and isolation'. However, it does add the hopeful note: 'It is an encouraging card, indicating help that seems to be divine intervention ensuring one has all the cups one needs.'

I don't feel particularly discouraged today; the weather has cooled off and I get to leave work at 3.30 today, then tomorrow I'm off to the London Tarot Festival and will see a friend I haven't seen in -- a year? Time flies. It could be that work will be a bit trying today, as it often is. This card could be a wider picture of my life, showing that things in general are just looking up, despite a gloom that has hung over it for quite a while.

I followed the advice of yesterday's 7 of Wands and submitted my application for the post. If I get the job, we will move to a new town. I could commute by train but it would be a long commute and costly.  I've lived in this town for 13 years, and have worked in the same job for 11 years (in November). It would be nice to move to a new place and work in a new place, but if I don't get the job, that will be okay, too.

We'll just have to wait and see if any 4 of Cups feelings arise today.


  1. This deck is on and off my wishlist. I've seen it trimmed on YouTube and I am not quite sure what appeals to me more. The borders seem to keep the watery pictures from flowing of the cards
    Anyway I wish you a wonderful time at the Tarot Convention this weekend

    1. Oh, I like that. I never thought of the borders holding in the watery images. :)

  2. Enjoy the convention and visit with your friend! It must be a little scary to think about moving to a new place. This card symbolizes some deeper contemplation or a walk down memory lane if you will, and the fact that this new job seems to be out of your hands at the moment while you sit and wait for a response. I liked that you mentioned divine intervention. It makes sense to me. These cards are breath taking. I don't know why I haven't already bought them!

    1. It is a little scary but also exciting. I like your insight into how the card reflects my current situation. Thanks -- and yes! You do need to buy this deck.

  3. I like the idea of this being about seizing opportunity, rather than staying stuck and bored where you are. Living somewhere new can be exciting :)


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