Order a Reading

Thursday 2 July 2015

Go for it -- Seven of Wands

The Llewellyn Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson (Llewellyn 1995)

I drew the Queen of Cups again today, so I decided draw a different card for the blog, and got Seven of Wands. I like that this guy is standing at the top of waterfall against a blazing orange sky -- it makes me think of seeking relief from the heat! Hopefully today will be cooler.

My personal key phrase for this card is 'proving oneself.' I've been working on a job application, and that always entails a feeling of doing that.

The companion says, 'Portends a good time to hazard a gamble. Though the odds may seem against you, there are advantages to your position.' That to me seems like encouragement to submit my application for the post and just go for it. The competition for the post may seem fierce, but I may have things to offer that perhaps some others don't. The reversed meaning is listed as, 'Danger in doing nothing. A warning to take action of any sort.' And again, that suggests to me that if I don't apply for this post, I will regret it when I find out who did get it, and think to myself, 'Hey, I could do as good a job as they can!'

So I guess today will be the day I send in my application.


  1. My key words for this card are along the lines of 'standing your ground' or 'taking a stand' both having to do with a firm sense of the landscape beneath your feet. It seems quite a positive card to draw for the situation you describe. And I see that the figure has his feet in the water, like the QoC yesterday. Good luck with your application!

    1. Thanks! I took the advice and sent in my application. :)

  2. It's interesting he stands so firm, despite being at the top of a waterfall. Letting emotions rush past him, without affecting him :) Good luck with the application!

    1. It is, isn't it? That's a very good insight! :)


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