Order a Reading

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Daily Draw = Two extremes!

ASS Lenormand, Konigsfurt-Urania 
A quick daily draw. Working today. In my capacity as supervisor/manager (currently deputizing for manager as she is on annual leave), I will experience success and trouble. There are two main tasks I need to accomplish today. I see this as saying one will go well and the other maybe not so well. Sehr interessant.

This could also mean that in my role today I will feel very positive and also quite confused.

I might receive positive and negative feedback from a female supervisor who is the person I'm meant to refer any problems to. And in fact it could be that I speak to her about something both good and bad.

Certainly the draw seems work related, and shows a variable day, but it is a daily draw, and so whatever happens will almost certainly not be as dramatic as this draw first appears.

I'll update you tonight.

ETA -- Update
The Bear (me) did try to be sunny today, but it was received with gloom. I felt hopeful, then felt confused and defeated. But then later in the day I went to a different work base and enjoyed my time with an older work colleague, so now I can also see 'Cheerful older woman dispels gloom.'  All of these things came to pass, so I can say that this draw did reflect the reality of my day.


  1. I like the idea to draw three cards in the morning and get back to them at night. I hope it will be a sunny cloudless day for you!

  2. A happy end to the tale - lovely! And I hope you're enjoying the ASS - cards, not anatomy ;)

  3. great update! makes perfect sense now.


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