Order a Reading

Friday 28 August 2015

Shared energy

Wings of Change Lenormand, Chloe McCracken 2015 
Today's draw is Letter + Key + Snake.

Communication is key to transformation. 

I can see this pertaining to two things: I am in a couple of online groups that I haven't been participating in much lately, but I find when I do participate online, I feel more motivated to do things. Yesterday, I started posting to one of the groups, and I proposed a group activity on the other one. Being in online check-ins is a good motivation for me, as long as others are also taking part and the group is encouraging one another.

I'm excited about these fresh starts. And maybe this follows on from yesterday's 3 of Wands. :)

Let's see what an oracle has to say about this draw:

Devas of Creation by Cilla Conway, 2013
This card is called 'Nebula', and represents the coming together of the bits and bobs that create an 'interstellar nursery' for planets and stars. Wow, I like that. The guidebook continues: 'When the Deva of Nebula appears, it often signifies a high level of consciousness -- the ability to work with others in diversity and harmony to create an entirely new synthesis of ideas, creative forms, or whole systems. Ultimately then, the Consciousness formed becomes something greater than the sum of its parts.'

That's the great thing about a group. We come together and form a new thing that hadn't existed before. A group mind, a shared energy. How cool is that.


  1. Rather than waiting for a kick from outside, sometimes the best kick comes from ourselves.
    Happy kickstart!

    1. Thanks, I did some yoga today!

  2. Love how the oracle took the Lenormand reading up a level - a nursery for stars, indeed! My communication needs are a little closer to home, but you have also inspired me to join in the group activity, in my own way ;D


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