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Sunday 29 January 2017

2017 Cards for the Year and the Months

I was just thinking, if we have tarot year cards for the year in general (not personal birthday cards), why not take a look at the cards for each month as well. This is the card for the world, all of us, the collective, humanity in general, or however you want to look at it. The card for 2017 is 2+0+1+7=10, Roue de la Fortune.

Jean Noblet Tarot de Marseille - Year Card 2017

It doesn't take much imagination to figure out how this can apply to 2017! It's a year of great uncertainty, and bound to be filled with unexpected twists and turns. It is a volatile time. Brexit, Trump, who know what all.

What about the months? What cards represent each month in 2017? I used a simple method of adding the number of the month to the year and reducing. January = 1 + 2017 = 2018 = 11. And so on.

Jean Noblet Tarot de Marseille - January to June 2017
January - Force
February - Le Pendu
March - La Mort
April - La Temperance
May - Les Amoureux
June - Le Chariot

Jean Noblet Tarot de Marseille - July to December 2017 
July - Justice
August - L' Ermite
September - Roue de la Fortune
October - Force
November - Le Pendu
December - La Mort

Now, January's nearly over, but perhaps you can think of ways that Strength was the card to represent this month.

What do you think Le Pendu portends for February? If we use it as a recommendation, what do you think we should be doing in February? What attitude to take on? What to avoid?

Did you notice how the last three months echo the first three months? Force, Le Pendu, La Mort. Strength, Hanged Man, Death. Will we have learned nothing in a year? Will we be seeing the resolution to the year brought full circle? -- This would be interesting, considering the card for 2017 is Wheel! Or will we have completely new challenges and issues to face that these cards deal with?

What do you think?

Each month, I intend to write my ruminations on the 1st, and how I think the card relates to the year card. Please add your thoughts as well! Should be an interesting exercise. In fact I may also suggest it on the TABI forum as a running thread. :)


  1. Hmm, for me the Pendu feels like taking time out for study, sacrificing fun to get the job done. I'll certainly learn from it :D

    Will look forward to your monthly ruminations... ;)

    1. That's a good, practical reading of the card - and not unexpected from you. You do have tremendous discipline when it comes to study and projects. But that's not sacrificing fun for you, that IS fun for you. Don't deny it! :D

    2. Well, although I do enjoy studying, sometimes there are other things I'd rather be doing. We moved house, and I haven't yet had a chance to walk down the local high street, though it's been over two weeks. And I wish I had more time for cards and blogging. And I haven't recorded a Youtube video in at least a month. So, there is also sacrifice :)


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