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Sunday 1 January 2017

New Years Day - Reflect on joyful moments

Today's card of the day comes from an oracle deck, The Secret Language of Colour by Inna Segal.

'Today is the day for rejoicing,' says the guidebook. 'Remind yourself of all the golden moments you have experienced in your life. Find five joyful moments in this day. Wear something that is Apricot, or meditate on this colour.  Invite joy into your heart.

'Say: "Divine spirit, please awaken the joy, laughter, and spontaneity of my heart and soul." '

This is a lovely exercise for today. I'll be writing my five joyful moments in my Sacred Journey journal. (I've used this journal  for many years off and on, and wrote about it at times on previous blogs. Over the years, the way I've used this journal has evolved. Here's how I used it back when I was deep into a fitness regime, on my old blog, Dharma in the Dishes. This was before my tarot blogging days! In fact, my very first tarot reading is posted there. Dare I share? Oh go on, then. My first reading.)

What will you be doing on this first day of the year? :)


  1. What a lovely card for the first day of the year. Let´s hope it will set the energy for many more beautiful days to come
    Happy New year Carla

    1. Thanks, Ellen. It's still propped by my PC monitor. :) Happy New Year to you as well!


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