Thursday 20 September 2012

Overindulgence--Dancer Four, Tarot of Sidhe

I drew this card this morning and thought, 'Hmph, I'm not bored -- and I'm off today for a weekend trip and surely I won't be bored during that!' The keyword for me for 4 of Cups is 'Boredom', but there's more to it than that, and it's that second level of meaning that then rose up. Lethargy, gluttedness, overindulgence. Oops, guess who made a pan of brownies yesterday? And guess who ate more of them than did the only other person in this household?

I've also been overindulging lately in spending money on 'stuff'--oh yes, 'spiritual' stuff, like a meditation DVD, a few tarot and oracle decks, a couple of yoga bolsters, a little figure of a blackbird (a power animal for me), a wonderfully useful little seiza bench . But you know, I don't have an endless cash flow, and besides that, surrounding oneself with 'spiritual paraphernalia' doesn't do a thing to advance one's spiritual practice. A lesson most of us need to be reminded of again and again, because those of us who are into divination and such tend to be little magpies, don't we? (Another totem of mine). We do so love to buy more esoteric/occult items, or as I like to call them 'sparkly stuff'.

Tarot of the Sidhe has little quatrains in the LWB, and the verse for Dancer Four goes:

'But when our soul is fed too much
Reflective longings are as such
That we lose sight of all that's good
And boredom drains our dancer's blood...' soul hasn't been fed too much I don't think, unless it's the acquisitive little imp in my soul, but it's true that when I fall into a pattern of spending, all of a sudden I want everything I see, and lots of stuff I've noticed in the past comes swimming back up into my awareness and I'm off to order those things as well...and it gets to the point that opening a parcel is anticlimactic compared to the thrill of clicking 'Buy' and then you know you're in trouble.

So okay, a hiatus on online ordering, then. And I won't buy any more chocolate for a while either--gosh, the Sidhe are strict!

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