Sun: The Sun mantras and their fruits
Om mitraya namaha - The Light of Universal Friendship
Om ravaye namaha - Light of Compelling Radiance
Om suryaya namaha - Dispeller of Darkness/Ignorance
Om bhanave namaha - The Shining Principle
Om khagaya namaha - All-Pervading Light
Om pushe namaha - Light of Mystic Fire
Om hiranya gharbaya namaha - The Golden-Coloured One
Om marichaye namaha - Light of Dawn and Dusk
Om adityaya namaha - Light of the Sage
Om savitre namaha - Light of Enlightenment
Om arkaya namaha - Light that Removes Affliction
Om Bhaskaraya namaha - The Brilliance: Light of Intelligence
'Gone, gone, all the way gone, gone all the way to the other shore--hooray!'
The Judgement card depicts people rising from the grave at the End of Days. They respond to the trumpet call and arise changed, their old bodies replaced with new living ones. In readings, this is the response to recognizing that the old self has died and an important change is (or should be) happening.
Tatsavitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dimahi
Dhiyoyonah prachodat
'Om the totality of the Universe, the realm of truth which is beyond human comprehension, every being who has ever been enlightened and who is now in the realm where all celestials of all spheres dwell, kindly enlighten our intellect.'
The true meaning of the World card is unknowable, inexpressible. An understanding, freedom and rapture beyond words. Thus I also can assign it the following lovely mantra:
Ek ong kar sat nam siri wahey guru
'All that is created has created us, Truth is our name, great beyond description. Unspeakable ecstasy is this light from darkness.'
(All images from Chesca Potter's Greenwood Tarot)
Again, I would like to say that the mantra/tarot associations I've created are based on my study of Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley Farrand, and 78 Degrees of Wisdom by Rachel Pollack.
I've so enjoyed this series! Now, I just need to find the time to sit with the cards and chant ;) The mantra you chose for the World is one of my favourite mantras, I often use it when doing walking meditation, which I guess is in part about enjoying and appreciating the beauty of the natural world...