Narasimha is an avatar of Vishnu who defeats evil influences that rule the earth. It is the principle for destroying the seemingly indestructible. Narasimha is invoked to gain freedom from evil situations. The Devil caard can indicate a narrow materialistic view of life, any form of misery, feeling chained or imprisoned, with the illusion that no alternatives are possible. Obsessions, slavery to desires, morally repugnant acts. Feelings of shame for giving in to those desires.
Suggested crystal: smoky quartz, which helps overcome fear of failure.
Tower: Om krim kalikayei namaha
Suggested crystal: titanium quartz, which has a starburst color effect, or lodestone, which is associated with magnetism, thus can attract or repel as needed.
'Om, from the not-true to the true lead us, from the dark to the light lead us, from death to immortality lead us.' The Star speaks of openness, wholeness and healing. Inner calm and peace. The unconscious activated, in a very benign way.
Suggested crystal: lapis lazuli, associated with the third eye, truth and enlightenment.
(All images from Morgan Greer Tarot)
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