Friday 19 August 2011

The Flow. Go with it.

I pulled this card from Gaian Tarot (by Joanna Powell Colbert, Llewellyn 2011) as part of a 4-card spread today. This one was in the 'avoid' position.

The 8 of Cups in the Rider Waite shows someone striking out on a path going uphill, destination unknown, leaving behind a stack of eight cups. This card shows a woman determinedly swimming upstream. In its positive aspects, it suggests that you should go against the flow, be unconventional, be unafraid to move in your own direction in order to 'find your authentic self', even if that means a bit of a struggle. That's all very valiant and good.

Sometimes, though, you're tired of fighting. Sometimes, you realise the fight is counterproductive. You realise that upstream, though possibly the brave and valiant direction, is actually the wrong way.

The message to me today is, stop fighting. Stop struggling. Tread water for a bit and feel the current rushing past you. Let it wash over you. Let it wash you clean. Then relax into it, and let it carry you for awhile. Just float today. Find the flow...go with it.

For today, may I catch myself when I start swimming upstream, stop,and just go with the flow.


  1. Wishing you well in your water treading and floating/flowing... Taking the onus off yourself for a little while is probably a good thing - perhaps, if you're meant to go with the flow you don't need to beat yourself up about where you are.

  2. I was unsuccessful at going with the flow today. They've moved the goalposts again at work and I have literally broken out in hives on the arms and chest. It's a stress response I've picked up in the last couple of years. It's hard to go with the flow when you are caught in a vortex. You could get sucked under.


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