Thursday 19 April 2012

1st GT -- Finding the Querent and Destiny Cards

More on my first Grand Tableau...

Finding the Querent

If you click on the link above, you will see the image of my Grand Tableau. The significator (Lady) is the second card on the top row. It is positioned, then, at the top of the spread, and to the far left. Cards above the querent are matters pressing down on them, and cards beneath querent are things that are more under their control. So as my card is at the top of the spread, I take this to show that over the next 4 weeks, there will be very little beyond my control pressing down upon me. Rather, I will be more in control or feel more able to deal with what's happening. I'll feel better about things, in other words.

The significator (Lady) is on the far left side of the spread as well. The left side of the spread contains information about the past, the right side is the future. Because my card is on the far left side of the spread, I take this to mean that I am looking forward and not back during the next 4 weeks. That I will be enjoying a lot of forward momentum, or at the very least that I am feeling very ready within myself for moving forward rather than hanging back.

I also note that the Lady card is the House of Clover. This suggests to me that the next 4 weeks will be happy ones during which I will enjoy good moods and positivity. The overall tone is a good one. Even if it is implied to be only temporary. (Well, you can't laugh all the time, can you?)

Destiny Cards

I'm using the technique AndybC describes exactly, in my approach to these cards. I start with the two left-hand destiny cards (Journal + Dog), then read the two above them (Mice + Clover), then go to the top of the spread and read cards in position 5 and 6 (Letter + Mountain).  Then I took the last two destiny cards (Bouquet + Child), the cards above them (Bear + Moon), and the cards in position 3 and 4 (Rider + Sun). I get:

A bookish or introverted friend who is down on his/her luck (possibly money worries) awaits an important message that doesn't come. He/she gives me a surprise invitation that leads to a work-related success. This success may come through a female senior member of staff in the form of an email or phone call. 

I arrived at this by thinking Journal + Dog = bookish friend, Mice + Clover = bad luck, Letter + Mt = a message that never arrives or is delayed.  Then Bouquet + Child = party invitation (or similar), Bear + Moon = a success at work (and Bear implies powerful female), Rider + Sun = a good message. 

So far, then, my reading has taken two tracks: my personal esoteric studies and my work life. 

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