Here is a sample reading using the Rocky Horror Spread I created, with feedback from the recipient:
Davis Celtic Tarot |
1) Science Fiction Double Feature -- What influence from your past colours the way you see and experience everything to this day? (In the way that science fiction B movies did for the narrator of this song) -- 4 of Cups
2) Dammit Janet -- What do you feel passionate about in the here and now? --9 of Cups
3) Over at the Frankenstein Place (There's a Light) -- What has suddenly emerged that might be of help to you? (Or does it just seem helpful? Could it be harmful?) -- Page of Pentacles
4) Sweet Transvestite -- Who is the real you? -- Queen of Wands
5) I Can Make You a Man -- What is your greatest strength/skill? -- 5 of Cups
6) Sword of Damocles -- What is your biggest fear? -- 10 of Wands
7) Rose Tint My World -- What is your greatest desire, ie, what you like to not dream, but be? -- 4 of Swords
8) I'm Going Home -- What outcome would be the most deeply satisfying to you? -- 10 of Cups
All those cups in your reading make me believe you are led by your emotions and that relationships and feelings are very important in your life. Also, the lack of majors suggests to me that things are going pretty good for you right now, on an even keel, and you've got no big 'life changing' moments or decisions upon you any time soon.
Your past suggests to me that you don't want to feel bored or unfulfilled in life. Perhaps there were examples in your past of people who let life slip by them and you don't want that to happen to you. (4 of cups)
So this has led you to passionately pursue a feeling of deep self-satisfaction and confidence in yourself. Material success isn't the goal for you, but feeling that your life has been a happy one is what matters to you. (9 of cups)
The Page of Pentacles suggests a new person in your life. Is there a new person in your life? Someone who has a curiosity about life, maybe a more overt connection to the details of life in the moment (rather than feelings and abstractions, which you have a tendency to dwell on)? Or, have you suddenly begun to uncover within yourself an interest in the details of the day-to-day? Are you trying to practice mindfulness? Or have you recently got interested in it?
The real you is the Queen of Wands. You are not one to hold back when your mind is made up. You are not one to sit still. You like to move it, move it! ha ha And woe betide anyone who isn't moving at your pace.
Your greatest strength is your ability to focus on the bright side--and help others to do so. You can always see the upright cups that others have failed to notice. (5 of Cups)
Your greatest fear is that you will not be able to carry out all the things you hope to in your life. You worry that you won't have time, or it will be too much for one person to do. (10 of Wands)
Your greatest desire is to find complete peace of mind in yourself (4 of Swords). Which connects back to that 4 of Cups and 9 of Cups, I believe. You want to be fulfilled by your life in the way the examples from your past were not, and you have learned that money isn't want it takes to make true contentment.
Your greatest comfort would be to 10 of Cups--to get to the end of your life and look back on it and just feel nothing but joy at how wonderful all your relationships have been, and to know that you've made a difference in so many lives.
Feedback from recipient, MantraTarot:
I am definitely led by emotions! And it's true all the big life-changing moments have already happened to me over the last couple of years. So now I'm trying to sit back and enjoy the fruits of my labours.
I definitely don't want to be like my overly paranoid, anxiety-ridden mother who doesn't live outside a 5-mile radius of her home. I want to explore, learn, and live--but in an introverted way, if that makes sense.
Money, on a grand scale, definitely means nothing to me. Was it hellen keller who said, "no one ever became poor from giving" or something to that effect? I see money as a way of saying, "okay, now you are doing well, so share it with others. when it comes time to be frugal again, you will know... but even then, still share and help others and enjoy and be grateful for what you have."
There is someone semi-new. met him last spring and started to date him last summer. but i did start a new job, so that page pents could mean that. just started 2 weeks ago!
I never thought of myself as Queen of Wands, but I am a Leo, and she is kinda Leo-ish in her ways. I would also add to that that I've been through a lot of trauma in my life, and I think my greatest strength is to bounce back and learn from it and keep going. I feel like I'm burning through A LOT of karma in this lifetime. I dread it, but I'm also grateful for it b/c it helps me to grow and be a better person.
I'm not big on stress anymore, so my greatest fear is getting stressed out again to the point that I have a breakdown I guess.I enjoy peace too much now.
yep! exactly on that 10 of Cups. i just want to continue to live a happy, drama-free (or as realistically as possible), peace-filled life full of love and joy, and enjoy it with others who want and live the same type of existence.
I just want to be able to look back and go, "you know what? I did a lot of good in the world. I made a lot of people happy and helped out when I could. I treated others the way I wanted to be treated and was fair and compassionate...I did things i loved and have no regrets." Thanks for the reading, Carla! Excellent spread!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful spread. I'll have to try it out.
Enjoyed the reading and the feedback from your client.