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Monday 23 July 2012

Wort Moon Reading -- Haindl Tarot

Haindl Celtic Cross (pardon my toe)

Wort Moon Reading using Haindl Tarot: Celtic Cross (Rachel Pollack's version from Haindl Tarot: Minor Arcana, 248-250). 

1-2. Small cross or center cards, the basic situation or issue + a card that joins with the first to state the concerns of the reading. The second card might form an opposition, or might work with the first card.
3. Basis, some experience, usually in the past, that acts as a root or cause of the current situation. PRINCE OF SWORDS (RA) Rx 
4. Recent past, what has been happening recently in terms of the person's question. Could be unfinished or a continuation, but will probably come to an end soon. ACE OF STONES Rx
5. Possible outcome, the general way things are heading. 2 OF CUPS
6. Near future, immediate developments, not the final result of the situation. Tends to be conditions that will not last. TOWER
7. Self, what you contribute to the situation; may show an attitude or action. May turn out to be the key card.  8 OF STONES
8. Environment, influences from outside the querent; could be a person or general atmosphere. KING OF STONES (The OLD MAN) Rx
9. Hopes and fears, what the querent expects to happen. This position might greatly affect the outcome, and sometimes helps confront hidden attitudes. ACE OF WANDS Rx
10. Outcome, sums up the other nine cards. Shows most likely result. 9 OF SWORDS

This draw covers 19 Jul (new moon) - 2 Aug (full moon). It's a personal reading for myself.

I see this to be regarding a work situation. The  King of Cups in the Haindl Tarot is not the gentle tenderhearted man of RWS. He is a harsh, arrogant father figure, softened by surrounding cards. In this reading, he is flanked by Ace of Stones Rx and Tower, bringing out his domineering and arrogant qualities (particularly the King of Swords Rx beneath him). I feel certain I know who this is, and this person has been the source of some distress to me personally in the past. Lately though, others are being more open about their own dealing with this person, and some things may well come to light and have to be dealt with. This is how I interpret Death crossing King of Cups. The King of Cups' reign of terror may be coming to an end. But it's not going to be an easy transition.

The basis of the situation is Prince of Swords Rx, weakness and corruption. This speaks to me of conniving and scheming to get power. The figure is holding both a flail and a whip. It's a bully and a sneak and a Jekyll and Hyde personality. Oh, yes.

The Ace of Stones can mean good things career-wise, but in this spread the card is reversed. Seems fitting as my work situation in the past has been the reverse of a good thing. Though I must admit that lately there has been a bit of a love-in (2 of Cups) between those of us who realise we've all suffered similarly at work. I know that we have all, independently of each other, reported in our staff survey that we have experienced the same problem in the last year. So I'm not surprised to see that the near future shows the Tower. Management will be forced to investigate.

In the 'Self' position, I have 8 of Stones: the Lord of Prudence. Haindl calls it 'Knowledge', which is the name used in the Thoth deck as well. It calls upon me to take a careful and moderate approach to the situation. This is a departure from my usual RWS association with 8 of Pentacles--which I would normally read as working hard--but come to think of it, I would probably read that in this situation as 'keeping your head down' and continuing to work as usual. I see this as advice not to leap in to take the lead in whatever happens. I am not the spokesperson for the downtrodden! I am not starring in my own production of  'Les Miserables'--so no leading choruses of 'Do you hear the people sing, singing the song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!' No matter how tempting after all this time it might be.

The Old Man is in the environment position, the King of Stones Rx. Like the King of Pentacles in RWS, he is a hard worker who has difficulty expressing his feelings, though he feels them deeply. I have to quote a sentence from the book that pinged in my heart: 'The reversed Father of Stones might refer to someone pained at the suffering in the world around him. He may wish he could do more' (228). So...there will be a feeling of commiseration amongst us at work.

My hopes/fears are Ace of Wands Rx. Oh, that is so easy to interpret--my fear is that no action will be taken to deal with this problem! Or that the people involved will lose hope and back out of stepping forward to demand that the problem be addressed.

The outcome is not all that I would wish, 9 of Swords. It indicates a lot of worry and stress. But with any luck, this may not be ME doing the worrying and stressing. And wouldn't that be a nice change of pace!


  1. Wow, some pretty powerful cards of change in there - two Aces with Death and the Tower. Even if it may be stressful, there seems a lot of potential. And I guess the Nine of Swords as outcome is only with regard to this matter within the stipulated time frame - be interesting to see how things go after that!

    Really hope this does foretell some improvement with that situation, I know how much it has troubled you.


  2. I have a stipulated time frame, but we know how much attention tarot pays to time frames!

    1. Just reading over some old entries, and I can verify that some of the offensive behaviours that we had suffered have been toned down. A bit.


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