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Saturday 8 February 2014

Look around and love what you see

Morgan Greer Tarot
When I first started buying tarot decks, I used to frequent a few online tarot communities where I picked up various ideas about the 'right' way to do things...and one of those things was to get rid of the box a deck comes in and get or make a bag for the deck. Ideally with a silk lining, or at least have the deck wrapped in silk before you put it in the bag. Consequently, most of my earliest acquisitions are lacking a box. I stopped buying tarot bags after the first 10 or so, and now they all stay in the box they came in...but this was the third deck I ever bought, so -- no box. Pity. (I didn't save the boxes. I don't have storage space for both decks and their boxes, separated. The point of throwing out the box was to save space...)

This week I'm using one of my old work horse decks, Morgan Greer Tarot, by William Greer and Lloyd Morgan (US Games 1979). I love this deck. It was one of the first 'borderless' decks, and is famous for its close-up variations on RWS images, groovy colours and very 70s-looking characters. (The deck contains my favourite Queen of Swords of all time.)

Today's card, 9 of Coins, is the only purple card in the deck, and in fact is my favourite 9 of Coins of all my tarot decks. I broke it down pretty well in a previous entry: Tarot Blog Hop-- Lammas. I do love the messages of this card, the sumptuous luxury of our daily life, enjoying what we have, allowing ourselves to recognize abundance in our lives. However modest the details of our lives may appear to the outside world, it can still be a robe of purple and a golden bowl of fruit to us. Indulge yourself in the joy of loving your life today. I think I will do that!


  1. What a lovely card to start the weekend with. I've only just recent bought this deck but I already are in love with if. Now I cannot imagine why it has taken me so long to buy it.:)

  2. Love it! Yes, giving thanks for the abundance in our lives, whatever form it takes, is a lovely suggestion for today :) I've also got quite a few decks without boxes. Although I still prefer to store decks in bags, I keep the boxes in case I, or my estate, cos "over my dead body!", ever want to sell or giveaway any ;D

  3. I love the way you describe this card and your interpretation of enjoying the abundance in our daily lives. It coincides quite nicely with the fact that I am currently reading the Paul McKenna book "Change Your Life in Seven Days" and this card ties in with the abundance I am feeling from studying the life changing modules in aforementioned book. Many thanks.


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