Order a Reading

Thursday 13 February 2014

What are you three staring at?

Oh, another watery card from Morgan Greer tarot--though there's no actual water in sight. This card reminds me of the Stepford Wives, those beautiful women with their vacant stares. Here the three traditional lasses of the Three of Cups do not do a dance of joy, but rather gather round a table in what appears to be a vineyard, judging from the grape leaves behind them. I notice the table is not groaning with a feast, but in fact contains a rather light repast. One bunch of grapes, one orange, two cherries, two strawberries, half a peach and a quarter of a honeydew melon, to divide between three grown-ups--that's not much lunch! But wow, look at the size of those cups. No wonder their eyes are vacant.

Today I travel to Warwick to show HR my qualifications and passport, even though I've worked for the organization since 2002, apparently they have to copy them again because I'm starting a new role. The forms must be filled in, whether it makes sense or not! It reminds me of when I went for my citizenship test. Even though I am a native speaker of English and have a degree in English, I was going to have to take an English proficiency test. Then some bright spark realized that taking the test in English was itself evidence of English proficiency, so they dropped that component. Never mind that much of the test was based on the 2001 census and had little to do with life in the UK. I had to learn things like more households in the UK have cats than dogs. Nothing there about dealing with a dividing queue or how to avoid the splodges of vomit on the pavements on a Sunday morning. Essential skills indeed.

I'm taking this card to mean there'll be more rain today (cups) and that lunch might be light (!) but that overall, it will be lighthearted day and my spirits will be high. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Bureaucracy... It's the same in NZ... when we go for citizenship we have to swear allegiance to HM Queen Elizabeth , the same Queen who we lived under as British citizens! The cards are certainly tuned into the weather over there...


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