Order a Reading

Monday 17 February 2014

Wonder and delight

Cachet Tarot
This week's deck is the Cachet Tarot (art by Colin Howard), which apparently has been published in a few different kits. The one I've got came in a kit called 'Tarot: Delve into the World of Tarot Reading' (Top That Publishing, 2013). The Cachet Tarot itself first came out in 2003, it seems. There's nothing wrong with this affordable deck of pips-only tarot cards, despite some rather stuck-up opinions in the tarot world, which might declare this deck cheap and clunky, but will go bananas over a restored TdM, or the Wild Unknown, or Prediction Tarot or any number of so-called 'unillustrated minors' decks that are self-published or HTF or OOP and/or cost a bloomin' fortune. Just because something is mass market or even bargain bin, doesn't make it bad. I like this deck-- its huge size, its thin floppy cardstock with the edges already chipping, its glowy artwork and mad borders. Why not? Why does everything have to be either tasteful, or studiously edgy? I like this deck! Seriously, I really do. (Except for that Chariot card. Whoa.)

Today's card is Page of Cups. My first thought is that the chap here looks a little old for a Page, but that's okay, as I myself am a little old for a Page! Pageness is a state of mind, people. :)  His face has the Page of Cups qualities -- all open, receptive, naive, charming and charmed. I like the background, with its green trees and slowly moving stream, little flowers in the grass. I like the Page's vivid blue waistcoat and bright green shoebuckles, and especially his blousy poet shirt, which I always associate with a certain artistic or emotional temperament. This Page looks as if he's just dipped the cup into the stream and is about to reach out and offer it to us. An earnest and sweet gesture inviting us to be refreshed at a very basic level.

The Page of Cups is certainly a ' breath of fresh air', as they say. He asks us to relax into a more childlike enjoyment of life, to be more passive, more imaginative, and more full of wonder. Drawing the Page of Cups, I expect the day to be slow-paced with plenty of opportunities to daydream and even to play. It is not a day for worry, excessive planning, or a lot of action. It's day for responding to what life offers with openness, acceptance, and joy.

James Ricklef in his book 'The Soul's Journey: Finding Spiritual Messages in the Tarot' talks about how we interact with a little child we may see in a public place, such as a supermarket. The baby looks upon us with open delight, and we smile and make faces at the baby because we know he or she will welcome them and respond in a joyful way. So the Page of Cups reminds us to approach the world with unconditional love, like a small child, and to be emotionally open, seeking wonder and delight.

Very good advice for a Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous20.2.14

    I had this deck out last night, Carla.

    It's one of those which I forget how much I like until I see it again. The courts are some of my favourites, ever. I love how they all slip into the same colour (even if I do often think that the Sword queen is the High Priestess at a glance).

    I am glad that I am not the only one who has those feelings about OOP and HTF decks. People can be so vacuous. You know, the funny thing is that if this deck went out of print tomorrow and someone 'in favour' started talking about it being worthy, all of those people would be falling over themselves to snatch up copies and back-copies and a few more extra copies online at ridiculous prices. I've seen it happen before. It is no more than tarot snobbery.

    I think it is a shame that the pips are not a little more interesting, but as a deck, I think it is a good one. I like most of the majors and that large size is great, isn't it?


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