Tuesday 22 January 2013

Saucy Sun

Today's card from Book of Thoth Tarot is The Sun. The image I've posted here came from the internet; I believe it may be one of the 'greenie' decks some people talk about on Aeclectic Tarot, because the coloration is much greener than the Sun card in my own deck. I thought it would be interesting to look at a 'greenie' image.

Green or not, this card looks rather saucy to me. The Sun looks like... an opening...and the hill, well, it makes me think of a particularly sensitive tiny bit of the female anatomy. It's even wearing a little crown, bless it. (Sorry, can't help it, this just makes me think of these things--maybe it's some sort of tarot Rorschach test.)

Leaving aside these things, there are many elements to this Sun card. Around the edges we have all the signs of the zodiac. At the bottom we see twins, traditional in many Sun cards, only in this card they have butterfly wings, a nice touch, and are having a symmetrical knees up in honour of the sun, which they fling their arms toward and turn their faces up to.

The Sun itself looks like a lotus flower, such as used to represent the chakras, and radiating out from it are 12 giant rainbow-coloured rays.

The Sun has to do with transcendent joy, enlightenment, total presence in the here and now. 'There is no wished-for goal off in the future,' says the Gerd Ziegler, in Tarot: A Mirror for the Soul. 'Everything is here, and it is good.'

May I take pleasure and joy in the here and now, particularly in gratitude for my home, which provides shelter and warmth from the freezing cold and snow, and for my job, which provides the means to pay for it. 


  1. Funny, I've never seen the "sensitive female flesh" or the "opening" before - maybe you're just having a good day ;)

    I'm definitely not a fan of the greenie's, but this is a lovely card. And your affirmation is truly beautiful. May it be so!

  2. I don't know why, but the very first time I saw this card I thought, 'Clitoris'! (Can we say that on this channel? ha ha)

  3. You just did and it hasn't been deleted, so I guess that's a "Yes" :D

  4. More rude tarot cards from everyone's favourite US ex-pat librarian :-). Hope you are well carla x

  5. I can totally see what you mean Carla... when I first saw the Sun card I thought it was a wee bit risque looking with that *hole* in the middle, but I saw the hill as male!!!!


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