Saturday 19 January 2013

Stop being mean to yourself

The 9 of Swords in the RWS deck shows someone waking from a nightmare. Here in the Book of Thoth Tarot, we have nine swords all in a row, graduating in size from shorter swords on the outside to the longer swords in the middle. All swords point downward, all drip blood. Each sword has hunks and nicks taken out of its edges, as if from battle. The orange colour suggests the swords may be rusty, too. Raindrops drip down in perfect alignment above and between the swords. In the background, a crazy, crackly zigzag of lines tumbles toward the bottom of the card, where they seem to be gathering in a heap.

The card is an excellent representation of an unsettled mind, trying to make order of chaos, hurting itself with its own thoughts, using the repetitive thoughts as weapons against itself, until even the very thoughts themselves begin to get worn out from continuous bludgeoning.

This card represents thoughts that won't go away, tapes we play in our heads over and over that torment us. Self-judgement, criticism, worrying continuously about the same things, things that never happen. Or things that did happen in the past that we haven't let go of. The swords and raindrops (or they could be tears) have a pattern, because the thoughts themselves have a pattern; being caught up in them becomes almost like a ritual of self-inflicted pain.

The symbol for Mars, god of war, is at the top of the card, suggesting the furious energy with which we attack ourselves. The symbol is at the top of the card, near the handles of the swords, while at the pointy  end of the swords is the symbol for Gemini, the twins, which suggests that this is a conflict within the self, between two sides of the self. The accuser and the accused. You vs you.

The message of the card is, when you can recognize what you are doing to yourself, you are in a better position to break this destructive and harmful habit. Stop being mean to yourself.

May I remember the lesson of this card today, recognize harmful patterns of thought within myself, and redirect myself toward the truth: I am loved and loving and lovable, exactly as I am. 


  1. great reading/interpretation of this card.

    this actually reminds me of my first "reading" with the thoth...i had just gotten it in the mail, this being before i realized how much I would like it, and grabbed it while running over to a friend's place. We used it to determine what she should eat for dinner, and pulled this card, where I interpreted the drops of blood to be "pizza sauce! you should make that frozen pizza you have!" xD

  2. Wow! That is a pretty 'intuitive' interpretation! It would never occur to me to ask tarot what to eat for dinner, but if I drew this card, I'd probably go for something self-harming like mutton vindaloo. Ha ha

  3. Sadly, we know our own weak points, so it's easy to draw blood, so to speak. Hope you did break out of the self-critical cycle today :)

  4. The 9 of Swords moment didn't happen until about midnight last night, but fortunately I was able to rein it in fairly quickly, instead of melting down for hours as used be my habit.

  5. This card could have been chosen for me, for the past fortnight I have been hurting myself with respective thoughts and a lot of mental chaos, trying to calm myself down on the Welsh coast. A very meaningful card for me :-) xx

    1. I hope your time in Wales has been calming and healing for you. :)

  6. Yes. I just wish I could stay here. I love the place so much I never want to leave at the end of the stay. I think this is my spiritual home.


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