Friday 24 January 2014

Job readings

Pardon my self-indulgence, I've done more readings about this job I applied for. I used the Psy Cards last night in a 3-card draw:

The new job  -- My current job -- The outcome/future

Psy Cards
I don't see how you can get more positive on the new job than a card that is a big fat YES. The message seems clear that if they offer it to me, I should take it.

 The job I'm currently in presents a bit more difficulty. The Tower most certainly speaks at once to the feelings I've had already in the post -- isolation. I've even used that word when asked how I'm feeling in the job. A Tower can protect us and it can also harm us by imprisoning us. This card has two meanings to me. It's both the way I feel right now about the job, and also the challenges facing me in the job -- which would be to break down the isolationist tendencies in this particular workplace, as in work practices and ideas which are not part of a bigger, company-wide ethos. This is important and ultimately healthy work, but of course is quite challenging, particularly in the initial stages! 

The outcome/future card of Tree seems hopeful to me. The Tree is part of a larger ecosystem as seen by its spreading roots. So perhaps either way I go, I have to potential to feel more connected, to feel as if I am a part of something greater than myself, that I contribute in a meaningful way to a unified whole. 

I also did a Lenormand reading asking about the outcome of the interview process:

Esmeralda Lenormand

I see this as a positive reading, and asked for input on the Lenormand Study Group on Facebook: 

Eva Vanderschueren That looks really positive. Moon is also my working card. The clover is succes, the lily a superior at work, who is giving you the key to work with them, and that will be officially announced (letter). The letter can also be the contract. I would really be surprised if you don't have the job! 

Michele Rubino-Mccray I think it looks good Carla and you have the experience fot the job (Lilies) which leads to an offer (Key + Letter)

My own reading of it is that I will probably receive a letter telling me I've been lucky in work -- meaning I think it may be a yes. We'll see! 

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