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Thursday 9 January 2014

Looking for Mr Good Deck

I've got an urge to buy a new tarot deck, but I really don't know which to buy, so Sharon at Songs from the Wishing Tree offered this idea for a spread:

1. Where am I now with my tarot decks?

2. Where do I need to be?

3. What are the characteristics of the deck that can help me get there?

Oh, look, it's a 5 again. It's been so long since I drew one. A 5 and two trumps. The two trumps are divisible by 5. Interesting (but possibly irrelevant).

Well, it's true my recent tarot buying experience was a 5 of Swords kind of thing. The deck I bought was faulty and I had to spend three or four days wrangling with the seller via email to get my money back. That has soured me on that deck a bit, and I won't be buying a replacement for it, though I might use the faulty one, once I feel less bitter about the whole thing. I look at my deck collection now and I really don't know which way I want to go with it.

The draw tells me The Aeon (or Judgment) is the direction I need to go. That certainly is a clear message of opening up to all possibilities. Such bright colours. The figure standing in the middle with her finger on her lip looks thoughtful, like she's encountering something new. Nuit overarches,and there are little embryos at the bottom. Someplace fresh is where I need to be. Someplace that makes me put my finger to my lip in slight confusion but also with wonder.

The deck that can help me is one that is complex, ever-changing. One that gives me new ideas to ponder, new directions to go in, new insights, every time I look at it. It is a colourful deck, a dynamic deck, that cycles energy and fires both my intellect and my spirit.

To be honest, that sounds a lot like the Thoth. But there are no doubt other decks that would fill the bill.

I'm no closer to finding a deck than I was before, but that was still fun to do. Just a quick little draw with a a few impressions. I haven't looked at this in-depth. Deck buying for me is usually pretty impulsive. I just see something and go 'Oooh! Pretty!' and click buy. :)

Edited to add: After I posted this, I stumbled across this deck and ordered it--the Bonefire Tarot.

Edited again on 13 Sep 2015 to add -- Turned out Bonefire Tarot was not for me. Thoth wins!


  1. Perhaps it the new year vibe because I am on the look out too. Sometimes I buy a secondhand decks as an addition to my collection but now I am searching also for mrs. right ( most of my decks feel rather feminine to me :)) It is difficult to know if I need such a decks or just want it :)

    1. Looking for Mr Good Deck is just a silly play on the film title 'Looking for Mr Goodbar'. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Looking_for_Mr._Goodbar_(film)

  2. The Bonefire is one I tried to resist all of last year (I kept thinking it wasn't my type), but I couldn't stop looking at it. Plus it is affordable - much more than many of the other new decks, especially self-published ones. The artist is a nice down-to-earth gal who is supposed to be writing a companion book (though she does include a handwritten lwb). The deck quality was great. Though I've bought some more "refined" decks, this is the one I voted for in the ATF poll. Can't wait to hear what you think of it. :)

    1. I bought mine from someone on Facebook for £26 including postage from NZ. I thought that was reasonable for a self-published deck. Can't wait to get it.

  3. Hi there,
    I was wondering, can we shape our own future or is the future pre ordained?
    Can we take our tarot readings and astrology readings an make our future happen or do we just react to what will happen no matter what?

  4. The Bonefire is great, the dark ground balances the vibrancy of the images. It stops the glare of colour from blinding you to the message. I also thought of the Ellis deck when reading your post.
    Do you have The Wild Unknown? Now that is one of my top decks of all time.

    1. Thanks, winterchild, glad to hear you enjoy Bonefire. I do have the Wild Unknown, but so far have not really clicked with it. It seems to be quite shamanistic. I will focus on it more fully at some point in 2014. :)

  5. Anonymous11.1.14

    I was reading your post and thinking "Bonefire" to myself. So glad you went with it, you will love it.

    1. Oh, I'd never heard of it until after I'd written the post! It's good I bumped into it. :)


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