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Saturday 20 October 2012

Esoteric Cross: Chakra Correspondences

Esoteric Cross 

This is the spread I did the other day called 'Who Am I?'  In my previous post I examined each card individually and for this entry I was going to look at the cards as a whole, but it occurred to me that there are distinct chakra correspondences here that could prove useful. Moving the cards around after you've laid out a spread is something I picked up from Mary K Greer's book, 'Tarot for Yourself.' As I was studying this spread in its original layout and thinking about the questions, I realised that each question rather neatly fits in with a particular chakra.

Original spread:

1) Who am I?
2) Where do I come from?
3) What deep energy powers me?
4) What higher truth guides me?
5) What is my task?
6) Who is my hidden self?
7) What will I discover when I leave this form?





Chakra rearrangement:

Crown chakra --     7) What will I know when I leave this form?
Brow/Third Eye --   4) What higher truth guides me? 
Throat --                 5) What is my task?
Heart --                   6) Who is my hidden self?
Solar plexus --       1) Who am I?
Sacral --                 3) What deep energy powers me?
Root --                    2) Where do I come from?

When the cards are rearranged in a straight line and read from bottom to top, you may see that there are chakras in need of opening, or in some instances of toning down. My cards run thus:

Crown - 3 of Swords 
Brow - 7 of Wands
Throat - 10 of Cups
Heart - 8 of Pentacles
Solar Plexus - Page of Pentacles
Sacral - 4 of Cups
Root - 10 of Pentacles

This run of the cards suggests to me that I have a good solid foundation, but perhaps I may be a bit 'too' grounded in the root chakra, because some of the higher chakras seem in need of work. For example, the sacral chakra as 4 of Cups seems highly accurate for that aspect of my life right now, and is an ongoing problem. Some effort needs to be made to open the sacral chakra. My seat of dynamism, will power and personal achievement, the solar plexus, is immature and needs shoring up. My heart is too focused on self-criticism to do its job of lovingkindness, which leads to the throat chakra. I give too much voice to feelings--perhaps I whine too much. (What? me?) The brow chakra shows that I am a bit conflicted in this area, or rather, that I am too concerned with protecting myself from malign forces to be very open to higher communication. And I think my poor crown chakra is wholly neglected. (In fact, I'm almost certain that's the case!) 

It's really good to reflect on the condition of the chakras, because sometimes we manifest symptoms of a chakra imbalance and it never occurs to us that that is what is going on.  I have been aware of imbalances in my throat and sacral chakra for some time, but I neglect those in meditation. My root chakra is so strong that my attention seems to just stay there, where it's comfortable. The poor crown chakra never even gets a look-in, bless it. :) 

Why not give this esoteric cross/chakra MOT a try?


  1. Oh wow, what an interesting perspective! I'm going to have to go and do this with my reading...

  2. I did try this thread, and got some cards I didn't like too much. I'm still pondering it. For example, I got death as my hidden self and I'm not sure how to interpret that. Anyway, I may or may not post it. lol I like the chakra analysis, though! (Yours, not mine. ha!)

  3. I meant "spread". :-)

  4. after reading this post i quite do want to give this a try! :D

  5. Siddaleah, Death as hidden self is very interesting. Please do post your reading. I'm curious how it plays out for you.

    Kerry, and Bonkers, I hope you post yours as well!


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