Order a Reading

Friday 12 October 2012

Lenormand Draw: French Cartomancy (Work spat)

This one surprised me with how quick it happened.

French Cartomancy, LoScarabeo 
AM:  6.30
Key card: House
Prediction: An argument at home, about work.

Puzzling. Why would we argue about work? I frowned at the cards and left them lying in front of the PC.

Accuracy: HIGH
What happened in relation to the cards: Then at 7.40ish AM, I'm in the kitchen making my lunch. Hubby comes in, rumbling through fridge, muttering about buying a salad. We have minor sharp words about why he waits until he's walking out the door to even start looking for something. I end up giving him half what I'm making for myself. He leaves the room and it dawns on me, whoa! We just had the argument. So I have to run to the loo and wait for him to come out to show him the cards and tell him our spat was predicted. Ha ha Now he's gone, I've got 20 minutes before I have to go, but needed to throw this up here to share.
Observation: It seems to me the more you overthink the cards, the less accurate they are. Just go with what it literally seems to be saying to you right off the bat.

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